Monday 7 September 2015

Dear Freshers...

As September rolls around yet again, a new whole new influx of freshers are getting ready to leave home and take on the new life of a uni student. From first hand experience, moving away to uni can be a pretty scary experience so here's my advice to beat those Freshers nerves...

1. Facebook
A lot of student accommodations are now on Facebook, so if you're lucky enough to find out which building or even which flat you've been assigned, log onto Facebook and see if any others have posted their living assignments on there, too! I met my entire flat before I moved in and it made it a lot less daunting to meet people I kind of already knew.

2. Room decorations
While some Freshers will take it all in their stride, some, like me, will get homesick - and there's nothing worse than missing your home comforts. Remember, your new uni room is your home for the next year so make it as cosy as you like - and if that means taking your faded old blanket and one direction poster, then do it! Primark is a great place to buy some new decor such as fairy lights which really make your room cute and cosy but don't break the bank.

3. Making Friends
Chances are, in a flat full of complete strangers, you aren't all going to get on - and the same goes for everyone on your course. But you are going to have to live with these people for at least a year so it goes a long way to make a little effort with the people you live with - there's nothing worse than feeling uncomfortable with the people you flat share with! Take common place items such as a pack of door stops that other people would have forgotten to bring, to help break the ice.

4. Be Organised
Of course Freshers week is about the social side of uni, but you are there to learn, too. (Totally sound like my mum now!) In the midst of nights out and hungover days, it's easy to forget about your new studies, so before the partying starts get all of your study materials ready for your first day so it's one less thing to worry about.

5. Pace Yourself
Throughout your welcome week, there will be an event happening pretty much every night - so remember to pace yourself! As tempting as it is to get drunk past the point of knowing your own name on the first night, you don't want to give yourself a hangover that's so bad you miss the next night out, too. Nights out can really help you bond with your new friends, so pace yourself and enjoy!

6. Be Money Wise
Chances are, this is the first time you're really free - and that includes your finances, too! Depending on your student loan, you might have a lump of cash just burning a hole in your bank account, but remember it has to last an entire semester, so as tempting as a shopping spree may be, think about what you need to buy for uni. I found the easiest way to handle my money was divide the amount I had by the amount of weeks I was at uni - that way I knew exactly what I could spend each week. (This was more my mums idea but shhh!)

7. Speak Up If You're Not Happy!
Uni isn't for everyone, so if you're really not happy, tell someone! You might be on the wrong course, find living at home easier like I did, or even just not want to be there anymore, and if that's the case then don't suffer in silence because 9 times out of 10, something can be done to fix your problem and make the absolute best of your university experience.

Your three years at uni will absolutely fly by so make the most of your Freshers week because you'll soon be crying that you're all old and stuff!

Love Lauryn xo

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