Friday 31 July 2015

Graduation| Goodbye To University...

So after three verrry long years, this week I finally became a university Graduate (Hooooraaaaaah!) and you must now address me Lauryn Williams BA (Hons)... just kidding.. kinda.

Graduation is what can only be described as an American-ism... and unfortunately only something University Graduates can experience in the UK, which seems such a shame because after Monday, I honestly believe that everyone should experience such an amazing day.

You don't realise how important the last three years have really been until you're stood in front of your family donning your Harry Potter-esque robes with a weird hat on your head, but trust me, it's so worth it. Even though your time to shine on stage is literally ten seconds long, it's one of the proudest ten seconds of your life, so if you're soon to graduate... own those ten seconds!

Looking back now, university was such a roller coaster ride for me, but I wouldn't change any of it. It's made me who I am today, and without it I wouldn't have made the friends I have or experienced half of the things I did, and for that I am truly grateful, plus nine year old me literally died when not only did I get my degree... but got my degree from childhood hero Jacqueline Wilson!

So I guess what I'm really trying to say in all of this is a huuuuge thank you to all of my family, and friends and of course my fiance for sticking with me for the last three years, through the tears and tantrums, I couldn't have done it without you all.

I'll leave some snaps from the day below, and if you're soon to graduate, enjoy every second, you earned it!

Love Lauryn (BA Hons) xo

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