Tuesday 14 July 2015

The 9 Stages Of Graduate Life

So, referencing is a thing of the past and word counts are distant memory, you are officially a graduate, and here are the many stages between your last moments of freedom and officially becoming an adult...

1. Freedom - Nothing says 'congrats for surviving the last three years' like the sense of freedom that comes with submitting that last essay... cue weird happy dance.

2. Netflix Addiction - Next will come endless days of festering in bed making the most of that Netflix subscription along with a newfound relationship with carbs. It's fine, you totally earned this.

3. The Realisation of Results Day - The panic begins to set in as you frequently check your email just in case they send the results early. Never know, could happen.

4. Actual Results Day - A day of staring at the computer screen eagerly awaiting perhaps the most important email of your life - minus the 50% of Kurt Geiger, of course, all amounting to whether the last three years have been worth the ridiculous debt you soon have to face.

5. 'I have a degree' - You tell everyone, every chance you get. The nice man in the shop? Yep. The lady in the bank? Totally fine. It even becomes your new comeback 'Whatever, I have a degree.'

6. Let The Job Hunt Begin - Armed with your degree, and a graduate-esque confidence you are ready to search for your dream job and become a glamorous city worker with a Louis Vuitton in one hand, and a cocktail in the other.

7. 'I'll never get a job' - After the 56783th rejection email entitled 'Dear Applicant' you begin to wonder whether you have enough qualifications to apply for vacancy as a cleaner in McDonalds let alone become a city girl.

8. Getting A Job - So the admin job that requires a bus, two trains and three different tubes isn't quite the job you'd imagined, 'Christmas Holidays' now means four days instead of four weeks and your 'early start' is practically in the middle of the night. Tutors failed to mention the chances of you getting the dream job you've studied three years for and this is how you feel about them right now...

9. 'I wish I was a Fresher' - The pain you feel when you hear a Fresher say they can't wait to graduate and you think back on the three long years you eagerly awaited the day you got your first pay check after living on tins of value baked beans.

Make the most of it, first years!

Love Lauryn xo

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