Tuesday 23 June 2015

How To Beat Those Down Days

As a fresh out of uni - and therefore unemployed - graduate, I've had one too many of those awful endless netflix-watching, pyjama-wearing and eating-endless-amounts-of-food-that-I-know-I'll-only- regret-later kinda' days. So whether you're job hunting, scouring the internet for the next step of your life, or just having one of those down days, here's a few tips on how to pick yourself back up and get that smile back...

1. Get up and Get Ready
As tempting as it is to stay in those comfy pyjamas all day and hibernate in bed watching Gossip Girl for the tenth time, it'll only make you feel worse. Get up and get ready for the day, even if you're not going anywhere. Feeling fresh and clean will make you feel ten times better and stop you festering away in your bed.

2. 'A Tidy Space is A Tidy Mind'
I don't know about everyone else but when my rooms a mess it makes my mind feel cluttered, too. Even just making my bed in the mornings helps me feel better, so keeping your room or your workspace organised and looking pretty is more likely to make you feel better and more motivated.

3. Find A Hobby
While once upon a time watching netflix all day sounded like a dream, the novelty soon wears off. Find yourself a hobby to encourage you to get up and do something. It could be blogging, running or even something as simple as drawing - just find something you enjoy so that your whole day doesn't merge into one long series of PLL.

4. It's Okay To Have Bad Days
It's okay to have those 'I'll never find a job!' days! We can't be positive Polly's all the time, so let yourself have a day off from job hunting or course researching when it all gets a bit too much. This is the perfect to focus on that hobby and give yourself a bit of you time.

5. Don't Overwhelm Yourself
Whether you're looking for a new job or worrying about which uni looks the best, remember not to overwhelm yourself. If it's a job you're looking for, set yourself a target of applying for say 10-15 jobs a day, and that way you've made an effort to look and apply but job titles won't be blurring into one and you can save your sanity!

6. Socialise
When you feel yourself slipping into one of those bad days, grab yourself a chum and cheer yourself up. If I'm feeling down I text my best friend and she'll soon remind that things could be a lot worse and the phase will soon pass. Even grabbing a cuppa' with your mum will you make you feel better than laying in a dark room feeling sorry for yourself.

7. Get Out And About
As much as friends help, so will getting out and about, too. Even a walk through the park or a browse in the shops makes me feel better. There's nothing worse than getting cabin fever after sitting in the same house for days on end, so for a clearer mind take a stroll and find some inspiration!

Hang in there, chums! Down days will soon be a distant memory!

Love, Lauryn xo

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