Friday 19 June 2015

A Change Of Name...

Hey Guys!

So just a quick update to let you all know that I have had to change the name of my blog. Although I very much liked 'Love Lauryn' there were so many blogs with similar names and it just wasn't helping to get my blog noticed and 'out there'. So if you have commented on any previous posts, the comments will have been deleted when I changed my URL, and I am very sorry!

My blog is now titled 'Enchanted Rose xo' which reminds me of the rose in Beauty and the Beast which is very fitting seeing how much I love anything Disney related. If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure why I chose this name but it seems so much more girly and magical so I'm pretty happy with it.

I'll still sign off my blogs in the same way but it's just the URL and header that will be different now! How exciting!

Keep your eyes peeled for my next post which will be in a few days!

Love Lauryn xo

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