Wednesday 14 October 2015

It's The Little Things...

Don't get me wrong, big changes/events/presents are a fab thing that we all enjoy as it's easy to focus your life on these kind of things, but sometimes we need to stop and remind ourselves that the little things in life are pretty great too. Things like...

  • Making it on the train just before the doors close *smug grin*
  • Paying for a 6 chicken nugget meal and getting seven... thank you very much mr McDonalds server man.
  • Finding an item of clothing and getting the last in your size.
  • Finding that cheeky tenner hidden in last years coat pocket.
  • Making it home just before it starts raining.
  • When your computer crashes mid-essay, but when you turn it back on your essay's there waiting for you... yay for Autosave.
  • Taking a spontaneous shopping trip and finding out theres 20% off... see, my shopping addiction totally has its benefits.
  • Wrapping a present perfectly... this almost never happens for me.
  • Being given flowers for no reason/occasion.
  • Waking up to find you have another few hours in bed... result!
  • Receiving results and getting a lot better than you thought you did.
  • Three words... 'I love you'.
  • Laughing so hard you cry.
  • Catching up with friends *added bonus if wine's involved*
  • When your Instagram looks on point. 
  • When a nice person gives up a seat for you on the tube... another rarity, but therefore even nicer when it happens.
  • New pyjamas... especially in the winter.
  • The feeling when you come out of the gym on a day you really didn't want to go and smashed that workout.
  • Finding old songs on YouTube that bring back thousands of memories... I'm looking at you DJ Boonie.
  • Getting a new highest number of views on a blog post.
  • CHRISTMAS. Need I explain?
  • Receiving a really thoughtful and personal gift.
  • Checking your bank balance to find you had more money than you thought.
  • Getting to the till to find something's even cheaper than you thought.
  • Having a family day and realising just how lucky you are.
What little things cheer you up?

Love Lauryn xo

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