Monday 5 October 2015

Monday Motivation|| It's Okay Not To Be Okay

Recently, there's been a lot of focus on promoting women as strong and independent, and while I'm all for that girl power *spice girls peace sign*, I also think it needs to be put out there that sometimes, well sometimes it's just okay not to be okay. You don't have to be a strong person 24/7, after all we're only human.

In the last eighteen months myself and my family have been through things I never would have thought we would have gone through, and while it's made us all the more stronger as a family, and made us appreciate each other a hell of a lot more, there are days when sometimes it can all be a bit too much.

This isn't a pity party, so I won't list off everything that's happened in the last year or so, but what I will say is that I felt, and sometimes still do, like everything I set out to do was a failure. In the last year or so, it felt as if nothing had gone my way and the plan I had set out for my life, had been completely turned on it's head. It's human nature, and especially British, to keep a stiff upper lip and plough on through the hard times, and my gosh, as a family we have certainly done that. We have battled all kinds of situations, but there are days when I personally, sit back and reflect on everything that has happened, and realise that I am not okay with it. There are days when everything mounts up and the smallest thing will upset me and I will feel like the entire world is against me and nothing will ever go my way... but guess what? That's okay!

If I've learnt anything from the last year, it's that the bad days make you appreciate the good. I am by no means the worst person off in the world, or even in my family, but sometimes when you've had a good few things pile up against you, it can seem like you are, and there are days when I will just wake up and feel sad, or angry, or frustrated. I hear of people who feel the same but won't talk to anyone because they don't want to appear weak or feeble and it frustrates me so much that we live in a world where being a strong person is more important than being true.

I'm not promoting any form of self-help here, but my point is that when you are battling a hard time, whether it be within your family, or school, or work, or even just a time when life doesn't seem to be going your way... accept that you will have bad days, and embrace them because you will enjoy the good days so much more. Everyone goes through tough times in life, it's what makes us who we are, but there is no rule that says you have to be okay. Sometimes accepting that you are not okay, helps you to become okay.

So please remember, it's okay not to be okay, and whatever it is your going through, you've got this.

Love Lauryn xo

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