Wednesday 25 June 2014

Whitening Lightning: Dial A Smile Review

Ever since I was a kid I've always hated my smile. I had wonky teeth growing up and despite having braces and retainers for the good part of 7 years, I still can't say I'm particularly pleased with the results. The only thing that I did like was how white my teeth appeared after a professional clean when my braces were taken off, giving me the idea of having them whitened.

So after scouring the internet for houuuurs trying to find a cheap but still good teeth whitening system I came across Whitening Lightning: Dial A Smile. It wasn't particularly cheap at $99 but after typing the product into YouTube I found a view reviews that had almost persuaded me to buy it. I watched video's of well known youtubers say how brilliant this kit was and when one of them offered a discount which meant I'd only around £45 I couldn't resist.

However, had I carried on with my research instead of getting carried away with the heavy discount, I would have seen all the reviews that reveal exactly how awful this kit is! The kit was formed of a syringe full of enough gel for three treatments, a developer light, a brush to help apply the gel, a small wipe to rid your teeth of any moisture and a teeth whitening chart. The gel was hard to apply as it just ran off of my teeth and when I put the light on my teeth any moisture than I had dried away soon returned, but I refused to give up hope.

It was only when my time was up and I brushed my teeth eagerly awaiting a pearly white smile that I was met with a smile that was absolutely no different to before. I tried several treatments until I used all of the gel but still no change! And when I scrolled further down the video's, I found that so many other people were saying exactly the same! That the kit was a complete waste of money. It became clear that the youtubers had obviously received a payout for praising the kit even though it did absolutely nothing.

It's safe to say I have definitely learnt my lesson and will stick to the professional treatments when it comes to this sort of stuff! So if you're having doubts about buying the kit like I did, don't. It's not worth your money, save your pennies and go pro!

Love Lauryn xo

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