Tuesday 20 May 2014

Get To Know Me Tag!

Seeing as I've only just started my blog I thought I'd do a get to know me tag as a way of introducing myself... I will do more exciting posts in the future, I promise!

1. Do you have a middle name? I do, it's Nicole. the same as my mum and cousin.
2. What was your favourite subject in school? I was such a History geek in school so definitely History!
3. What's your favourite drink? Dr. Pepper Even though I can't drink it anymore... sigh.
4. Favourite song at the moment? I really couldn't choose!
5. What would you name your children? That's a secret!
6. Do you participate in any sports? I used to dance from a young age but I don't anymore. I do spend a lot of time in the gym at the moment though, which surprisingly I really enjoy.
7. Favourite Book? I could write a never ending list for this, but the Hunger Games series is definitely up there!
8. Favourite Colour? Pink.. I'm such a typical girly girl!
9. Favourite Animal? Penguins for sure.
10. Favourite perfume? Chanel No. 5... although I have to keep stealing my mums because it's so expensive!
11. Favourite Holiday? Disneyland without a doubt!
12. Have you graduated High School? I have, in 2010 although you don't really graduate in England. But I will be graduating university next year. 
13. Have you been out of the country? I have, but not a lot as neither of my parents like flying.
14. Do you speak any other languages? No, but its something I really wish I could do!
15. Do you have any siblings? Younger twin brothers and a younger sister.
16. What's your favourite store? I want to say the disney store but I feel like I should answer with something more mature... so Forever 21.
17. Favourite Restaurant? The nicest Indian called the Hasina! I loooove Indian.
18. Did you like school? I did! Im a geek, I know. 
19. Favourite YouTubers? Zoella and Alfie - my sister will be so disappointed in my obvious answer.
20. Favourite Movie? Pearl Harbor... and any disney film!
21. Favourite Tv Show? Sooo many, but I'll never get bored of Friends.
22. PC or Mac? My Mac takes yeaaaars to turn on so I'd have to say my PC!
23. What phone do you have? an iPhone 4.... with a very smashed screen after dropping it in Disney and then dropping a golf club on it... oops.
24. How tall are you? 5 ft 4 and 3/4 (Im proud of the 3/4)

Personal Questions:
1. What do you order at Starbucks? There's only a costa near me so I never go to starbucks... sob.
2. One thing in your closet you cannot live without? My juicy couture tracksuit!
3. Whats one thing most people probably don't know about you? That I did Irish dancing for years I guess?!
4. Name on thing you want to do before you die... Have a family.
5. What's one food you cannot live without? McDonalds!!!
6. What quote/phrase do you live by? As cliche as it is... it all happens for a reason.. I'm a strong believer in fate.
7. What's your most listened to song on iTunes? My iTunes wont open!!!
8. What kind of style would you define yourself as having? I's say I'm quite girly. I like a nice top with jeans or leggings. I don't often wear anything that's really 'out there'.
9. Favourite number? 8! It was even my room number at uni!
10. Two Hobbies? Writing and reading... so nerdy. 
11. Two Pet Peeves? touchy feely people and people who eat with their mouth open...  I blame my brother for that!!
12. Guilty pleasures? Chocolate... as soon as I get in from the gym.

Hope you enjoyed!

Love Lauryn xo

Goodbye to second year!

So after weeks of sleepless nights, thousands of attempts of essays, printers breaking and living off of microwavable mash, deadline day has been and gone and the second year of university is officially over!

Second year for me was more of an emotional journey than the first year, as our flat saw laughter, tears, happiness, sadness, anger and at times pure bitchiness but of course, with a flat of 8 girls what would you expect. I moved up to Cambridge in the first year as a newly turned 18 year old single girl and I had a blast having fun in a very hungover freshers week but the second time round was verrrrry different. Having been with Mitch for nearly a year and spending every single day with him over the summer meant that spending a week at a time apart was practically a form of torture (slight exaggeration I know.) I felt ten times more homesick than I had in first year and clubbing just wasn't for me anymore. I'll be the first person to admit that I excluded myself by spending more time in my room watching tv than anywhere else, but I'm really not very good at meeting new people, especially when all I want is to be back at home. 

We still had a lot of fun times all living together and my friendship with Emily and Laura grew even stronger. There were moments where we all needed a shoulder to cry on and that's exactly what we had in each other. We had our moments of drama of course, but looking back at them now they're all quite amusing, and no where as dramatic as first year, where walls were punched and stalls were thrown (dont ask!) 

Work wise, things got a lot tougher as the word counts stepped up a notch and assignments got more complicated but I enjoyed the classes and took and enjoyed making new friends. I spent hours in experimental writing obsessing over One Direction with Danielle and interrogating her on every question I ever had about America (concluding that one day I will go out and visit her there.) 

It's been a grueling year with ladybird infestations, cold showers, an awful diet of microwave meals and a lot of teary phone calls to home but I survived! Third year, come at me!

Love Lauryn x