Tuesday 23 June 2015

How To Beat Those Down Days

As a fresh out of uni - and therefore unemployed - graduate, I've had one too many of those awful endless netflix-watching, pyjama-wearing and eating-endless-amounts-of-food-that-I-know-I'll-only- regret-later kinda' days. So whether you're job hunting, scouring the internet for the next step of your life, or just having one of those down days, here's a few tips on how to pick yourself back up and get that smile back...

1. Get up and Get Ready
As tempting as it is to stay in those comfy pyjamas all day and hibernate in bed watching Gossip Girl for the tenth time, it'll only make you feel worse. Get up and get ready for the day, even if you're not going anywhere. Feeling fresh and clean will make you feel ten times better and stop you festering away in your bed.

2. 'A Tidy Space is A Tidy Mind'
I don't know about everyone else but when my rooms a mess it makes my mind feel cluttered, too. Even just making my bed in the mornings helps me feel better, so keeping your room or your workspace organised and looking pretty is more likely to make you feel better and more motivated.

3. Find A Hobby
While once upon a time watching netflix all day sounded like a dream, the novelty soon wears off. Find yourself a hobby to encourage you to get up and do something. It could be blogging, running or even something as simple as drawing - just find something you enjoy so that your whole day doesn't merge into one long series of PLL.

4. It's Okay To Have Bad Days
It's okay to have those 'I'll never find a job!' days! We can't be positive Polly's all the time, so let yourself have a day off from job hunting or course researching when it all gets a bit too much. This is the perfect to focus on that hobby and give yourself a bit of you time.

5. Don't Overwhelm Yourself
Whether you're looking for a new job or worrying about which uni looks the best, remember not to overwhelm yourself. If it's a job you're looking for, set yourself a target of applying for say 10-15 jobs a day, and that way you've made an effort to look and apply but job titles won't be blurring into one and you can save your sanity!

6. Socialise
When you feel yourself slipping into one of those bad days, grab yourself a chum and cheer yourself up. If I'm feeling down I text my best friend and she'll soon remind that things could be a lot worse and the phase will soon pass. Even grabbing a cuppa' with your mum will you make you feel better than laying in a dark room feeling sorry for yourself.

7. Get Out And About
As much as friends help, so will getting out and about, too. Even a walk through the park or a browse in the shops makes me feel better. There's nothing worse than getting cabin fever after sitting in the same house for days on end, so for a clearer mind take a stroll and find some inspiration!

Hang in there, chums! Down days will soon be a distant memory!

Love, Lauryn xo

Friday 19 June 2015

A Change Of Name...

Hey Guys!

So just a quick update to let you all know that I have had to change the name of my blog. Although I very much liked 'Love Lauryn' there were so many blogs with similar names and it just wasn't helping to get my blog noticed and 'out there'. So if you have commented on any previous posts, the comments will have been deleted when I changed my URL, and I am very sorry!

My blog is now titled 'Enchanted Rose xo' which reminds me of the rose in Beauty and the Beast which is very fitting seeing how much I love anything Disney related. If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure why I chose this name but it seems so much more girly and magical so I'm pretty happy with it.

I'll still sign off my blogs in the same way but it's just the URL and header that will be different now! How exciting!

Keep your eyes peeled for my next post which will be in a few days!

Love Lauryn xo

Thursday 18 June 2015

Summer Nightime Routine

Now that summer is almost upon us, it's time to dig out the fan from the loft and prepare for those sleepless nights of unbearable temperatures and constant daddy long-leg invasions. But those sticky nights aren't all bad, as the arrival of the summer means a re-vamp for the night-time routine...

1. Make Up Wipes
Taking off your makeup after a hot day is one of the best feelings eveeeer. I have super sensitive skin, so I find the Tesco basic makeup wipes the best ones for me as any others break me out. The cucumber scented wipes smell amazing and leave my skin feeling so refreshed.

2. Exfoliator, Toner & Moistouriser
Hot summer days + a face full of makeup = gross skin. I love the Clean & Clear collection for my sensitive skin and make sure I exfoliate a few times a week and tone and moisturiser every night after taking my makeup off... It's the perfect way to cool your face down and get rid of the last bits of makeup!

3. Shower
A cool shower is one of the best ways to wind down before bed in the summer, especially when the nights can get so humid. I've been loving the Radox Feel Glam Berry Burst shower gel as it smells so summery. Instead of spending hours under a hot hairdryer and straighteners after a shower, I tend to french plait my wet hair which means not only do I get easy beach waves the next day but my wet hair helps to keep me cool in the evenings, too.

4. Vaseline Moisturiser Spray
I have been absolutely OBSESSED with this stuff this year! The spray means its so quick to apply and it dries instantly so you completely skip that tacky feeling when you're waiting for moisturiser to dry. The cocoa radiant spray is the nicest smell ever, its like holidays, suncream and happiness in a bottle. And heres a quick tip... if you have sunburn, leave your moisturiser in the fridge for a while and then spray on those red patches... it is heavenly!

5. Light Pyjamas
There's nothing worse than being uncomfortably hot when you're trying to sleep so light pj's are a must! Primark have some fab summer pyjamas that are crazy cheap, like these cute biscuit ones that were a complete steal at £4...

6. Summery Candles
I am such a candle lover... even in the summer. I love lighting candles before I get into bed, it just feels so much more relaxing when your room smells gorge! I've been absolutely loving the Strawberry Rhubarb Marmalade three-wick candle that I bought from Bath & Body Works when I went to America. I'm absolutely gutted that we don't have a B&BW here in the UK but Yankee Candle do some amazing summer scents such as Pink Dragon Fruit and Vanilla Frosting.

7. Cool Blankets
It's time to put away the extra thick winter duvet and bring out the lighter covers! Although a British summer isn't all it's cracked up to be, the nights can be crazy humid so instead of using a duvet, I tend to use a light blanket or throw as a cover, instead. I can't sleep without any cover on so this blanket from Victoria's Secret has been a life saver!

8. Refreshing Drink
While Winter nights were all about being cosy in bed with a mug of hot chocolate, it doesn't mean you can't rewind in bed in the summer, too! Think ahead during the day and leave a refreshing drink in the fridge ready to take up to bed with you. My fave's for the summer are Dragonfruit Vitamin water or a nice cold strawberry milkshake!... and as I have a obsession with pretty drinking glasses (weird, I know) I like to make it a bit more fun with a pretty tumbler.

9. Beating Those Light Nights
I don't tend to suffer too much with this as I'm not normally asleep until it's dark anyway, but if you're one of those unfortunate people who have to be up at the crack of dawn and need an early night, but find it impossible to fall asleep early now that it's light until much later, grab yourself an eye mask. They're the perfect cheap fix to shut out the sun and get that much needed sleep!

Happy Summer, Everyone!

Love Lauryn xo