Wednesday 25 June 2014

Whitening Lightning: Dial A Smile Review

Ever since I was a kid I've always hated my smile. I had wonky teeth growing up and despite having braces and retainers for the good part of 7 years, I still can't say I'm particularly pleased with the results. The only thing that I did like was how white my teeth appeared after a professional clean when my braces were taken off, giving me the idea of having them whitened.

So after scouring the internet for houuuurs trying to find a cheap but still good teeth whitening system I came across Whitening Lightning: Dial A Smile. It wasn't particularly cheap at $99 but after typing the product into YouTube I found a view reviews that had almost persuaded me to buy it. I watched video's of well known youtubers say how brilliant this kit was and when one of them offered a discount which meant I'd only around £45 I couldn't resist.

However, had I carried on with my research instead of getting carried away with the heavy discount, I would have seen all the reviews that reveal exactly how awful this kit is! The kit was formed of a syringe full of enough gel for three treatments, a developer light, a brush to help apply the gel, a small wipe to rid your teeth of any moisture and a teeth whitening chart. The gel was hard to apply as it just ran off of my teeth and when I put the light on my teeth any moisture than I had dried away soon returned, but I refused to give up hope.

It was only when my time was up and I brushed my teeth eagerly awaiting a pearly white smile that I was met with a smile that was absolutely no different to before. I tried several treatments until I used all of the gel but still no change! And when I scrolled further down the video's, I found that so many other people were saying exactly the same! That the kit was a complete waste of money. It became clear that the youtubers had obviously received a payout for praising the kit even though it did absolutely nothing.

It's safe to say I have definitely learnt my lesson and will stick to the professional treatments when it comes to this sort of stuff! So if you're having doubts about buying the kit like I did, don't. It's not worth your money, save your pennies and go pro!

Love Lauryn xo

Monday 23 June 2014

Race For Life!

In early 2014 my uncle, Steven, was diagnosed with cancer at aged only 51. So when the annual Tesco Race For Life rolled around, myself and several other members of my family decided to join up in the battle against cancer tell it exactly where to go. Sadly, a few weeks before we ran the race for life, my uncle passed away, but left us with more determination than ever to race.

I won't lie, I was a little scared when the guy in the sports shop was asking me all these questions about running shoes - all I wanted was a pair the wouldn't kill my feet and I felt a little daunted about the whole thing as I hadn't run at all since I'd left school. But a gym membership and a few verrrry exhausting practice runs later I was ready!

As we donned our pink fancy dress (my uncle in a pink beret being the highlight of it all) we charged towards the race course, complete with our photos and messages for my uncle. This was the first type of timed race I had ever competed in and as excited as I was, I was still really quite nervous. Another of my uncles had promised a £50 donation if I could complete it in 45 minutes, so this became my main target (It sounds like a long time but for me it wasnt!).

I completely surprised myself with the fact that I enjoyed the entire race. I hated running in school but this was nothing like PE had been and seeing members of the family popping up around the course gave me that extra push I needed. I became so involved I didn't even realise my headphones weren't playing any music until half way round! The last half lap of the race was the hardest as I just wanted to stop for a breather but remembering why I was doing it managed to give me a swift kick up the ass and off I went, charging towards the finishing line, but not before hearing the cheers of the family before I went (Thanks Sam!)

I felt so emotional crossing the finishing line, which I really hadn't anticipated but seeing my family waiting for me at the end was the best thing I could have asked for. I finished in 36 minutes (go me!) and I waited for the others to finish, feeling very emotional as I watched them all pass. I know for a fact my uncle would have been laughing at the sight of all of us even attempting to run but I know for sure we did him proud.

Between the six of us who ran we managed to raise over a huuuge £1600! So thank you to every who donated.

Marathon next?!

Team Steve!

My uncle supporting the team.

Race for life runners! (before we all got very sweaty, eww!)

So close to the end!

At the finish line with my lovely family.

Love Lauryn
