Tuesday 19 May 2015

Girl Struggles

While being a girl can be pretty damn fabulous most of the time, there are, without a doubt, a number of problems us females have to deal with that the male species wouldn't even consider in their simple day to day lives.

1. Periods.
We moan. We cry. We eat our body weight in chocolate - and then cry some more. Guess what? We're allowed to. If boys had to put up with this crap once a month I'm pretty sure they'd kick up a bigger fuss than us. 

2. Shopping.
The pain of feeling somewhat skinny before you set off for that mammoth shopping trip you've been waiting weeks for, only to find those shorts you've been dying for don't actually fit and having to do the walk of shame from the fitting room, grunting at the shop assistant when she asks if they're any good. 

3. Crazy Emotional - and for no apparent reason.
We hate you one day and love you the next? Totally normal. Some days we'll sob like a baby at the end of Titanic, and others we'll totally think Rose was just plain selfish. There was definitely room for two on that headboard. 

4. The Want To Look Good vs The Need To Be Comfy.
How we hate those girls who turn up at the airport for a 5am flight with perfectly applied lipstick, shoes to die for and ginormous blow dry... and there you are. No makeup, hair shoved up and wearing those leggings that you think may be see-through. Comfort all the way.

5. Eyebrows.
We were all fine with barely existing eyebrows and then bam! Cara Delevingne makes an appearance and suddenly were drawing on eyebrows that are thicker than Charlie's from Busted. The male species will NEVER understand the time and effort that goes into plucking, shaping, grooming, tinting and pencilling a girls eyebrows. 

6. Diet.
The struggle between wanting that stuffed-crust meat feast pizza with a side of onion rings and mozzarella dippers... and looking like a Victoria's Secret Angel. Guess which one wins?

7. Bitches.
You'd think that at 20 years old, you're too old for twitter wars, right? Wrong. Whichever path you take in life, you will always come across a bitch. Sometimes she will recruit an army of bitches to stand by her, and sometimes she will work solo. But she'll always be there. 

8. Shaving.
It's so time consuming and you practically have to be a gymnast to manoeuvre around the shower cubicle. But when it's done, it's SO worth it. Just call me the silk goddess. 

9. Expensive clothing.
Men can take a minimal amount of money and come home with an entire new wardrobe. Girls? Oh no. With a new bra costing the same as what you earn in 6 hours, we're surprised we can afford anything at all.


10. The Kardashian's.
We just want to be a Kardashian. Is that so much to ask?!

11. Tanning.
Having stood in positions you never knew existed in order to reach that awkward section on your back, you find you missed the back of one of your legs and your hands are now bright orange, only to then realise it's raining outside and end up in the club looking like you have a skin disease. Oh the joy. 

12. Pain.
Period pain. The pain of waxing. The pain of poking yourself in the eye with the mascara wand. The pain of breaking an acrylic nail. It just hurts, okay?!

13. Hair.
Do we go lighter, or darker, cut it all off, get extensions? Why can't I get it to look like Blake Lively's?! and don't even get me started on bad hair days.

14. Unrealistic Expectations Of Love.
Thanks to Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill all girls desperately hope for at least one romantic declaration in the style of Chuck Bass or Lucas Scott... unfortunately for us, the male species are content with a pizza delivery and a text along the lines of 'love u bae.' And who said romance is dead?!

But it's not all bad for us gals, because after all...

Love Lauryn xo