Thursday 22 January 2015

A (late) New Years Resolution

So although we're already half way through the first month of 2015, I decided to make a late new years resolution.

To blog more.

I started my blog over the summer during my break from uni. I knew I wanted to keep writing and I had so much time to fill that a blog seemed like a good way to cure that, but now that I'm back at uni, and in my last semester (eeee!) I feel that with all the work I have to do, I need to make time for things I enjoy. Like writing.

A lot has happened since I last posted; I went to Rome, I got ENGAGED!, I started at a new university, I went to Disneyland and most recently, I booked my dream holiday to New York. It's only now I've done all of these things that I wish I had been running my blog at the time to post about them.

So forgive me for this post being on the boring side, but I'm aiming to post at least once a week in the midst of essays and dissertations, as a release for myself if anything. So prepare for the posts on my last few months of the university adventure, wedding preparations (3 whole years to be precise) and a lot of excitement about my trip to America.

See ya soon!

Love Lauryn xo